Tell me looks won't get you far..
When there are careers dedicated to it,
Tell me size doesn't matter...
When there are people dying of eating disorders,
Tell me looks won't sell...
When the industry is making millions selling their beauty ideals,
Tell me looks isn't everything...
When people are dying in the operation table in the quest to be beautiful,
We live in a shallow world,
Judged by our appearance in every stage of life,
Searching for 'perfection' in human kind,
Ostracising those who don't fit the mold.
As sad as it sounds. This is the reality of our world today. Despite efforts to correct the youth about the onerous perception of beauty, over the years it has spread like an epidemic. As access to the mass media is available to younger children, a wider group of the world's population is now affected. Millions and even billions of girls in the world all vying to attain the unattainable. A crazed obsession to be the most beautiful, most perfect, most slim....putting themselves through a never ending cycle of self abuse. Sometimes I just wish everyone could be reassured that 'perfection' lies in who they are.
Sugababes {Ugly}:
People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you